In the News

A collection of relevant articles featuring news about the company and our products.

| 21-Apr-2016
| German

Linux ist in den Öffentlichen Verwaltungen traditionell stark. Seine Schutzmechanismen gegen Bedrohungen von außen und die Verfügbarkeit von Business-Anwendungen machen es als Betriebssystem für Arbeitsplatz-Rechner salonfähig. Eine Bedrohung jedoch bleibt: der Datenverlust durch die eigenen Mitarbeiter. Jetzt sind die Hersteller von Lösungen für Data Leak Prevention aufgerufen, die Lücke zu schließen.

| 19-Apr-2016
| English

CoSoSys develops data-loss prevention products for computers and mobile devices that access and store sensitive data. The company’s Endpoint Protector 4 features device control to manage Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux machines. Recently, CoSoSys joined The Linux Foundation and released a private beta version of Data Loss Prevention for Linux, which is available upon request for Ubuntu, openSUSE, CentOS, and Red Hat. The company is also investigating the possibility of expanding its technology to help manage wearable devices.

| 15-Apr-2016
| English

In today’s digital age, ensuring your organisation’s sensitive data remains secure within company walls goes far beyond simply buying and implementing a security solution. With the elevated threat of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, it is absolutely necessary that companies understand which security solution best fits their IT environment and what steps need to be taken in order to ensure they are getting a continual return on their investment.

| 15-Apr-2016
| German

Linux ist auf dem Vormarsch. Seine Schutzmechanismen gegen Bedrohungen von außen und die Verfügbarkeit von Business-Anwendungen machen es als Betriebssystem für Arbeitsplatz-Rechner salonfähig. Eine Bedrohung jedoch bleibt: der Datenverlust durch die eigenen Mitarbeiter. Jetzt sind die Hersteller von Lösungen für Data Leak Prevention aufgerufen, die Lücke zu schließen.

| 12-Apr-2016
| English

Cybercriminals are adopting corporate best practices and establishing professional businesses in order to increase the efficiency of their attacks against enterprises and consumers. This new class of professional cybercriminal spans the entire ecosystem of attackers, extending the reach of enterprise and consumer threats and fueling the growth of online crime.

| 29-Mar-2016
| English

Today’s complicated data security landscape has begun to look a lot like a modern legend or fairytale. Just like King Arthur gathered his knights to fight against enemies and supernatural forces to find the Holy Grail, organizations are constantly fighting hackers, malicious individuals and human error, seeking the “Holy Grail” of data security – making themselves virtually “un-hackable.”

| 28-Mar-2016
| Spanish

El mayorista Aryan estará presente en la próxima edición de la feria @asLAN 2016 a la que acudirá para presentar la solución Endpoint Protector para la prevención de pérdida de datos de CoSoSys

| 22-Mar-2016
| Russian

Endpoint Protector 4 — новое DLP-решение на российском рынке, разработанное немецкой компанией CoSoSys. В данном обзоре мы рассмотрим функциональность Endpoint Protector и попробуем оценить, сможет ли данное средство составить конкуренцию именитым игрокам рынка DLP-решений в России.

| 03-Mar-2016
| English

DLP and MDM provider CoSoSys, Friedrichshafen, Germany, on Monday revealed the launch of Endpoint Protector DLP for Linux in Private Beta. As Linux gains market share, the new solution is designed to prevent data leakage from those environments. Features of the new solution include content

| 01-Mar-2016
| English

See the latest security wares on display at RSA in San Francisco.

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