Data Loss Prevention Infographics

A collection of data security infographics providing an easier way to understand the threats in data security – data loss, data leakage, data theft, and the the best solutions to address them - encryption, DLP, MDM and more.

[Infographic] CCPA Compliance - What You Need To Know

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), sets a new privacy framework for California residents. Check out our infographic to learn about the most important aspects of CCPA and the steps your business can take to be ready.

GDPR Essentials

An infographic that offers an overview of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with details such as definition, dates, articles, and other info. Share it with your employees, partners and other collaborators to increase awareness in a more visual, original way.

5 Steps to Determine if Insiders Should Be Your Primary Concern for Data Security

The risk of people losing or leaking sensitive data is present more than ever, with the quantity of exit points and file sharing services: cloud storage apps, portable storage devices, mobile devices, etc. Check out some interesting statistics about insider threats in our infographic.

Top Data Security Concerns for 2016+

Statistics about Cloud Services, Shadow IT, Wearables and IoT show that they are amongst the top data security concerns for organizations. Now, more than ever, apps and interconnected devices are part of our lives and, with data moving back and forth, it is no wonder organizations are becoming more vulnerable.

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