In the News

A collection of relevant articles featuring news about the company and our products.

| 11-Jan-2016
| English

In the face of a turbulent security landscape where malicious hackers are waging a cyber war against companies of all sizes, the non-malicious insider has quickly become one of the largest undetected threats to enterprise data security.

| 07-Jan-2016
| Korean

윈도리눅스등다양한 OS 지원 빠르고 쉬운 구축운영이 장점 금융권 등 100여곳에공급

| 01-Jan-2016
| English

Wearables are the latest big innovation for the mobile devices market. But they bring substantial security threats with them The competition to build the greatest SmartWatch, the best SmartBand, SmartGlasses etc. puts a lot of pressure on vendors to innovate and bring unique features, treating security with low priority, warns Roman Foeckl, founder and CEO at CoSoSys and co-founder at Onyx Beacon.

| 20-Nov-2015
| English

Can wearables bring security and efficiency to the enterprise? Absolutely, it just takes some tactical risk assessment.

| 12-Nov-2015
| German

Der diesjährige TeleTrusT-Innovationspreis wurde an das Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik Potsdam und die Bundesdruckerei Berlin vergeben. Die Preisübergabe erfolgte am 11.11.2015 auf der 17. "Information Security Solutions Europe Conference" (ISSE) in Berlin.

| 06-Nov-2015
| German

Der DLP-Spezialist Cososys strebt mit seinen Lösungen in den Enterprise-Bereich. Weil sich diese Projekte jedoch von denen bei kleinen und mittelständischen Kunden unterscheiden, ist die deutsche Vertriebsgesellschaft Endpoint Protector auf der Suche nach neuen Partnern.

| 28-Oct-2015
| English

Organizations and businesses must have a strong front line defense to protect themselves against data security threats. Organizations today, in both the public and private sectors, are facing daily threats on multiple fronts, including disgruntled employees, human error and external threats.

| 25-Oct-2015
| English

The concept of the “embedded SIM,” “eSIM” or “Virtual SIM” card for mobile devices has been around for a few years now, but it is still new, since even the terminology is not yet well defined. Apple filled the initial patent for its version, the “Virtual SIM” or “Apple SIM,” back in 2011 and has been building on the design ever since.

| 09-Oct-2015
| English

Wearables are deemed personal devices – those we use to keep track of our fitness progress, stay on top of important notifications, help us sleep better, remind us to eat healthier, and so on. But there is more to wearable devices, as they become part of the BYOD family in the workplace, as well as finding their own niches in the enterprise.

| 02-Oct-2015
| German

Cososys, ein Spezialist für „Data Leak prevention“, überwacht mit der neuen version der Software „Endpoint Protector“ jetzt auch die USB-Schnittstellen an Thin-Clients und an PCs, die als Thin-Clients eingesetzt werden – und blockiert gegebenenfalls den Datentransfer.

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