Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

Below you can explore FAQs related to Endpoint Protector and find the information you need. For any other additional questions, suggestions, and improvements please contact the support team.

Why is the Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) functionality not working on Windows 7?

While Endpoint Protector is committed to maintain cross-platform functionality and also backwards compatibility, sometimes, due to outside factors we cannot control (i.e.: technology limitations), this is not possible.

Unfortunately, in the case of Windows 7 and Deep Packet Inspection, the technology limitations do not permit such a functionality. This is because the DPI feature requires some technology components that are not available in Windows 7.

Moreover, as Windows 7 is discontinued, we strongly recommend updating to a newer OS (e.g.: Windows 10) that does not leave the users exposed to general security vulnerabilities, arising from a discontinued product.
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