Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

Below you can explore FAQs related to Endpoint Protector and find the information you need. For any other additional questions, suggestions, and improvements please contact the support team.

Why do I get the 'Failed to initiate USB device' when using the 'Allow Access if TD1+, otherwise Read Only' right?

The most common scenario for this message occurs on macOS, and it is directly linked to how the “Allow Access if TD1+, otherwise Read Only” right is intended to work.
Due to OS limitations, when the read only access is enforced, apps cannot be executed on the device. As such, EasyLock cannot be started by using the Finder window, prompting the error message.

The correct way to start EasyLock is from the Endpoint Protector Client/Notifier – by pressing the mini USB icon. This is because of how Endpoint Protector can overcome the OS limitation and grant the necessary access to the EasyLock app to run on the USB device.
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