Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

Below you can explore FAQs related to Endpoint Protector and find the information you need. For any other additional questions, suggestions, and improvements please contact the support team.

How to properly configure the Deny Access but Allow Charging on iOS devices?

This feature is currently available for Windows and macOS.

The Deny Access right usually also prevent iOS devices form charging. As such, the Deny Access but Allow Charging was introduced. This right prevents the native sync – a commune process to all iOS. As such, the Deny Access but Allow Charging right set on any iPhones, iPads or iPods can influence the other iOS devices in Endpoint Protector. Therefore, setting this right per a device type (e.g.: iPhones) can also apply to other device types (e.g.: iPads or iPods), regardless of the right set on them.

If using this right granularly (Groups, Computers, Devices, etc.), please ensure it is set per a specific device and not per Device Types.
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