Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

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How to enable Advanced Printer and MTP Scanning

Starting with Endpoint Protector Version, an improved method of Printer and MTP Content Aware Protection File Tracing and File Shadowing has been added. It increases accuracy and reduces false positives for file transfers via browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) or Skype.

Steps to enable:
  1. Go to Endpoint Settings > Global Settings, Group Settings or Computer Settings
  2. Tick the “Enable Advanced Printer and MTP Scanning” checkbox from the Default Client Settings
  3. Save changes and ensure the settings are deployed to the Endpoint Protector Clients
  4. Restart the machines protected by Endpoint Protector

Note: This feature applies to Endpoint Protector Clients higher than and is only available for Windows. It will require a computer restart each time it is enabled or disabled.
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