Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

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What are cryptographic hashes and how to calculate MD5 and SHA256 checksums?

Using Cryptographic Hashes

Being a data security vendor, we value the integrity of the files you receive. Endpoint Protector provides cryptographic hashes on product download pages to ensure you deploy the correct files. Checksums algorithms count the number of bits in the transmission for the purpose of detecting errors which may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. The MD5 and SHA256 hash sums provide a highly unique fingerprint in this regard, enabling you to verify that the downloaded files are unaltered from the original.

To confirm the file integrity, use the Terminal or a SHA and/or MD5 utility tool to calculate the hash for the files downloaded from Endpoint Protector website. If the hash you calculated matches the one we provided, you can be certain of the downloaded file’s integrity. SHA and MD5 utilities are available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Calculating MD5 and SHA on Linux

Most Linux distributions provide an MD5 and a SHA256 command for calculating message digests:

Calculate MD5 checksum on Linux

Calculate SHA256 checksum on Linux

Calculating MD5 and SHA on Windows

There are several tools available for Windows but File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) can be used. Please see additional details on FCIV at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/841290

Calculating MD5 and SHA on Mac

A command line is also available for Mac OS X. Although there are several options, depending on the OS version, some might not work. The best way for calculating message digest:

Calculate MD5 checksum on Mac

Calculate SHA256 checksum on Mac
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