Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

Below you can explore FAQs related to Endpoint Protector and find the information you need. For any other additional questions, suggestions, and improvements please contact the support team.

How do I run the .VMX virtual appliance as I am using an older VMware Workstation / VMware Player version?

The .VMX virtual appliance (32b/64b) is set to run on the latest VMware Workstation version (v11.x.x) and on the latest VMware Player version (v7.x.x). In order to run these virtual appliances on older VMware Workstation / VMware Player versions, please take the following actions:

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Go to the extract location
3. Click to edit the .VMX file using a text editor
4. Search for the "virtualHW.version" field
5. Replace the default version (default = 11) to the desired version
    - if you want to run the .VMX on VMware Workstation v9.x.x or VMware Player v5.x.x, then set virtualHW.version = "9"
    - if you want to run the .VMX on VMware Workstation v10.x.x or VMware Player v6.x.x, then set virtualHW.version = "10"

6. Save the changes and close the text editor
7. Import the virtual image
8. Play the virtual machine
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