Endpoint Protector Knowledge Base

Below you can explore FAQs related to Endpoint Protector and find the information you need. For any other additional questions, suggestions, and improvements please contact the support team.

For how many computers can I use File Tracing and File Shadowing? Is there a difference between Virtual and Hardware Appliance regarding this?

We recommend you to enable File Tracing and File Shadowing for up to 15% of your appliance total endpoint capacity. As an example, for an A100 Hardware Appliance the File Tracing and File Shadowing option should be set to maximum of 15 endpoints for optimal performance. If you enable only File Tracing and not File Shadowing you can increase that number by another 15% to 30 endpoints. The maximum number of endpoints for which you can enable File Tracing and File Shadowing is not limited in the Administration Interface of Endpoint Protector but we recommend you to not increase the use of this feature for more or all endpoints as it might lockdown your appliance simply from too many logs being sent to your appliance. If you adjust the settings for maximum file size, etc. for this feature you can improve the performance of the feature further. If you have questions how to optimize this feature please contact our support by opening a support ticket.
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