Endpoint Protector Release History
Learn about the current and previous Endpoint Protector updates. Information regarding changes and enhancements is detailed in chronological order below.
Endpoint Protector 4 - Product Update

Server Version:
- Logs, File Shadows and System Backups can now be exported to sources external to the appliance such as FTP or folders shared on the network (i.e Samba shares)
- The process of adding multiple Groups, Computers and Users to Alerts has been greatly improved
Device Control
- A number of device classes managed by Device Control will be managed by default with “Allow Access” rights: WiFi, Bluetooth, the Network Shares, Additional Keyboards and USB modems
- A more friendly design and better functionality has been adopted for the Custom Classes menu
Content Aware Protection
- Content Aware Protection offers the possibility to scan the body of PDF files for Predefined Content, Custom Content, Custom Dictionary items or objects created through Regular Expressions
- The option to put any file inside a whitelist that’s free from CAP scanning has been added in the form of Content Aware File Whitelists
- Predefined Content Aware policies can now be setup – this removes the need to manually setup policies on objects of interest
- China, Macao and Hong Kong PIIs (Passport, ID and Phone Number) are now supported
- Improvements to the URL Whitelist module that is available for Internet Explorer
- Improvements in the detection of Japan SSNs
- Added the GitHub client inside the list of CAP manageable applications
- Added CATIA and XAR inside the list of file types that can be targeted by CAP policies
- Added Slack inside the list of CAP manageable applications, only for OS X
- Added Adobe Flash Player and the Remote Desktop Connection inside the list of CAP manageable applications, only for Windows
- Administrators will now have the option to selectively apply Content Aware policies to multiple users operating from the same computer
Bug fixes:
Device Control
- User Login and Logout events were not available in a .CSV export from Logs Report, fixed
Windows Client Version:
- Integrity check events: the clients notify the Endpoint Protector server if the related registry entries and/or installation files have been altered
- Document printing detection has been generally improved
- The Mozilla Thunderbird Add-on will be installed alongside the Microsoft Outlook Add-on, if the option is checked
Bug fixes:
- Some fixes and improvements to the logs upload module. Prioritization in sending the client side logs to the EPP server is performed
- If a CAP policy with the Action set to “Block” is configured to target Network Shares, shared folders that are accessed from other computers on the network will be scanned and consequently blocked
Mac Client Version: (for MAC OS X: 10.5+)
- Devices encrypted with the FileVault application will be recognized as Trusted Devices Level 3
- Mac EPP client installers will be provided in the new flat package file format (this change will reflect in no more warning message prompts about the installer not being signed)
- Control the access to files that are stored on removable devices (block/report file access, depending on the CAP policy)
- A new device type class will be supported: Android Devices
Bug fixes:
- User Login Events will no longer be generated when User Logout actions are performed