Endpoint Protector Release History
Learn about the current and previous Endpoint Protector updates. Information regarding changes and enhancements is detailed in chronological order below.
Endpoint Protector – Product Update
Server Version:
Windows Client:
Mac Client:
Linux Client:

Infrastructure changes
- Introduces password protection for EPP Server CLI (Command-Line Interface) console.
- Introduces TLS 1.3 support for Email notifications being sent from EPP Server.
New Features/Improvements
- Enhances the workflow for low-disk space warning messages (orange - 8%-20%) to only trigger at User Logins/Logouts events and no longer at configuration changes under SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - System Settings.
- Introduces new fields available for SIEM exports.
- Introduces a new EPP Client version format X.X.X.XXXX on endpoints, while the version format displayed in the web console remains unchanged as X.X.X.X.
Usability Improvements
New Features/Improvements
- Enhances the naming convention in 'DEVICE CONTROL - Global Settings' by using 'Restore Default Settings' instead of 'Restore Global Settings' across the section.
- Enhances the navigation workflow under 'SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - System Administrators' by returning to the 'List of Administrators' page after saving a new Administrator.
- Introduces new translated terms from EPP server and client into the product.
- Enhances the Email Body text of Alert notification for Subscription License Renewal Notice.
- Introduces an additional OTP (Offline Temporary Password) message in EPP Notifier, allowing better communication with the end-user.
- Introduces a new option to force a minimum number of characters required in the User Remediation Justification field.
Known Limitations
- Credential obfuscation in the Client log file does not cover AWS S3 repositories at present but will be addressed in a future release.
- Test emails sent using the 'Use TLS 1.3' option under 'SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - System Settings - E-mail Server Settings' do not include test strings.
Device Control
- Currently, when multiple files are sent for OCR scanning through DPI, only the first file is processed. This limitation will be addressed in future updates.
- Clipboard operations may not always be captured accurately by MacOS CAP OCR.
- Despite denying Bluetooth, Webcam, and iPhone access on macOS endpoints, the Continuity Camera issue persists in applications like Slack, Zoom, FaceTime, and Photo Booth, where the camera is not correctly blocked. macOS endpoints may not detect Dell Bluetooth Keyboards/Mice, as an issue has been identified where these devices are not recognized.
- Bluetooth headphones may appear as 'Disconnected' instead of 'Denied' in EPP Notifier, indicating an issue where these devices are not correctly recognized.
- In DEVICE CONTROL - Global Rights, administrators must set both the main Bluetooth category and Bluetooth Radio to 'Allow access.' If different settings are needed for other Bluetooth subcategories, they must be configured separately. Setting Bluetooth Radio to 'Deny Access' will automatically apply 'Deny access' to all other Bluetooth subcategories, regardless of their individual settings.
- Users on macOS versions before version 14 (Sonoma) might encounter high CPU usage by the 'EPPClient' process when Bluetooth devices are set to 'Deny Access,' attributed to a bug in Apple's macOS software with BLE devices.
- Upgrading to macOS version 14 (Sonoma) is advised for a fix. Alternatively, setting 'Bluetooth-Others' to 'Allow Access' on older macOS versions can address the issue.
Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
- In some cases, network issues (websites not loading) can be observed on macOS version 14.2 (23C5030f) when DPI and 'Intercept VPN Traffic' are enabled. Upgrading to macOS version 14.2 Beta (23C5047e) from November 14th is advised for a fix.
Content Aware Protection
- File Shadow downloads are affected by incorrect MD5 hashes in Endpoint Protector Clients' event logs, causing artifacts to fail downloading with a "File Not Found" error. Upgrade EPP clients to (Windows:; macOS:; Linux: before updating the EPP server to versions or Note that File Shadow Filter supports EPP Server versions below or and EPP Clients from
- Content blockage in Microsoft Excel Web App during printing is affecting the Chrome browser extension. Investigation is underway, and a comprehensive fix will be included in a future release. Microsoft Edge browser extension, utilizing the same Chromium-based engine, remains unaffected.
- In rare cases, EPP Windows Client may trigger CAP Policies incorrectly when the source file path of Microsoft Office documents cannot be detected and Print jobs do not reflect the name of the document.
- File Shadow downloads from AWS S3 buckets, with concurrent File Tracing and CAP activation, may result in inconsistent behavior, displaying artifacts deleted in File Tracing reports but still available in CAP reports, and vice versa.
- The Scan time-out option under DEVICE CONTROL - Global Settings - Max File Size will be removed from the web console. EPP server will send a default value of 10sec, which will overwrite previously set values.
Upcoming Depreciations
- Reporting V1 will be discontinued in future updates, and users should migrate to Reporting V2 beginning with EPP version 5.7 and beyond.
- Backup V1 will be discontinued in future updates, and users should transition to Backup V2 starting from EPP version and above.
- DHCP support in EPP server will be phased out in upcoming updates; transition to static IP for stability is recommended.
- Contextual Detection under SYSTEM PARAMETERS will be discontinued in future updates and replaced by 'Context Detection Rules' in the 'Content Detection Summary' section of CAP Policies.