Endpoint Protector Release History

Learn about the current and previous Endpoint Protector updates. Information regarding changes and enhancements is detailed in chronological order below.


Endpoint Protector – Product Update

Server Version
Windows Client:
Mac Client:
Linux Client:
EasyLock Client:

Endpoint Protector 5

Server Version:


  • End User License Agreement has been updated.
  • The System Licensing section has been redesigned and now includes a new licensing system.
  • Dashboards (General, Device Control, Content Aware Protection) have been redesigned.
  • Effective Rights Improvements has been made for a better visibility, more granularity, complete change of both PDF and XLS layout, etc.
  • Several improvements to the Custom Classes section including the ability to select the number of devices displayed per page, number of devices that can be imported with the Bulk functionality, the Device Wizard, etc.
  • Extra options were added to the E-mail Server System Settings.
  • SIEM logs have been extended to include additional UTC timestamps as well as other small enhancements.
  • The Admin Actions section has been updated to include the latest features added.
  • The ACL has been extended with the addition of Content Aware Protection and eDiscovery Admin Roles.
  • Concurrent admin sessions restrictions have been implemented.
  • Deep Packet Inspection for Macs has been extended to also include some Mail applications (Mail, Outlook, etc.).
  • Advanced Scanning Exceptions has been added, allowing applications to be excluded from scanning, for endpoints that have the Advanced Printing and MTP scanning feature enabled.
  • Contextual Detection has been extended and rules can now be created starting with Dictionaries.
  • Automatic e-mails and scheduling for the exported list of entities (Devices, Computers, Users, Groups).
  • Various other security improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed page crashes that occurred in the Offline Temporary section when this functionality was used to generate codes for thousands of users at a time.
  • EasyLock Password length could be set to 0. Fixed.

Device Control

  • Several improvements to Rights sections that include the tabs for the Standard, Outside Hours and Outside network policies location, number of devices that can be imported with the Bulk functionality, the Device Wizard, etc.

Bug fixes:

  • In some cases, the Serial Numbers for certain devices did not apply properly during the last updated. Fixed.
  • Various small fixes that occurred on some Linux distributions.

Content Aware Protection

  • Outside Hours and Outside Network Policies are now available.
  • Additional file types such as STL, XDL, SMG, IGS and WRL are now detected. They can be found in the newly created CAD Files subsection.
  • Additional PIIs are now controlled and include Japan Address, UK Address, Ireland Address, Poland Address, US Phone Number and Australia Passport.
  • HIPAA (ICD 10, FDA drugs) lists have been updated to the latest version.
  • Singapore ID, China Passport, Macao Passport, Hong Kong Passport and India Phone Number detection rules have been enhanced.
  • The Stop at Threat Threshold functionality has been added, reducing redundant content inspection scans and unneeded logs.
  • Print Screen attempts are now reported also for Read-Only Policies for Macs.
  • IBM Lotus Notes content inspection improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Network Share whitelist path space issue is now solved. Fixed.

Mobile Device Management

  • The Mobile Device Management module has been refreshed and some sections have been redesigned. These include List of Mobile Devices (Edit, Manage, etc.).
  • New functionality has been added like the ability to create Groups of mobile devices, simplifying the management process.
  • New functionality offering the ability to add a Device Group inside a Group Device Policy.
  • New separate App Management sections for IOS and Android apps.

Windows Client Version:


  • New wireless devices are now supported.
  • Network Share Optical Character Recognition improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • IBM Notes recipient whitelist not applied attachment fix.
  • Fix referring to matching of Blacklist/Whitelist items containing adjacent spacing.

Mac Client Version:


  • CPU usage optimizations have been implemented.
  • Chat monitoring enhancement for Facebook, Skype and Mattermost.
  • Email client monitoring enhancement for Mail, Outlook and Thunderbird.
  • Bidirectional Network Share monitoring improvement for Content Aware Policies.
  • The Client is now available as an app bundle, allowing for an easier management in the macOS Settings.
  • macOS Catalina compatibility improvements linked to "Full Disk Access" capabilities.
  • Improvements around Deep Packet Inspection feature for transferred file name.
  • Improvements around e-mail domain whitelisting and their application according to the matched threat policy.

Bug fixes:

  • Custom Notification for transfer limit reached solved. Fixed.

Linux Client Version:


  • Optical Character Recognition functionality has been added for several distributions and versions.

Bug fixes:

  • Security fixes.

EasyLock Enforced Encryption Client:


  • Proxy settings changed, correlating the functionality with the Endpoint Protector Client behavior.
  • Some display messages when trying to configure EasyLock while on Read Only were implemented, resulting in a better experience for the user.

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