Endpoint Protector Release History
Learn about the current and previous Endpoint Protector updates. Information regarding changes and enhancements is detailed in chronological order below.
Endpoint Protector – Product Update
Server Version
Windows Client:
Mac Client:
Linux Client:
EasyLock Client:

Server Version:
- The Deep Packet Inspection functionality has been added, allowing network traffic to be inspected for content.
- Contextual Detection has been extended to also include file types and file sizes.
- The SIEM section has been ported to the new UI and now also include support for TCP protocols as well as some additional events (e.g.: Licenses used).
- The Alerts section has been ported to the new UI and along with most of the automatic email templates, providing a better overall user experience.
- The Failed Admin Login setting has been added, allowing the maximum number of failed attempts and login restrictions to be configured.
- The External Storage section has been ported to the new UI.
- The Directory Services section has been redesigned and now offers several improvements.
- The Endpoint Protector Client for Linux can now be uninstalled from the Server.
- The Last User column is now available when adding Already Exiting Devices, in the User Rights section.
- Support has been improved for environments where VM clones use different naming once deployed.
- The File Shadow Repository feature has been extended to include Samba shares too.
- Browser Certificates can now be uploaded directly from the Server.
- The Custom Client Notifications have been merged with the Device Type list, under System Parameters. The new section is called Device Types and Notifications.
- The Log Backup and Content Aware Log Backup sections have been removed. As the Audit Log Backup section provides all functionalities – and more – the 2 sections are no longer utilized or generated confusions on the rare occasion when used.
Device Control
- The Custom Classes section has been redesigned and several improvements added.
- A new right, Deny Access but Allow Charging is now available for iOS devices.
- Time Machines can now be excluded from Tracing.
- The File Whitelist from within the Device Control section has been ported to the new UI.
Content Aware Protection
- The Canada Passport Number, Canada Health Insurance Number, India Address and Phone Number, Ecuador ID and Tax ID, Colombia Address and Phone Number, Malaysia ID and Greece ID can now be detected.
- The Deep Packet Inspection functionality and Blacklists has been added for Macs. This allows network traffic to be inspected for content.
- The URL and Domain Blacklists has been added for Macs, further extending the versatility of the above-mentioned feature.
- Support for Microsoft Teams, UnrealCommander, Hangouts Chat and PowerShell is now available for Windows.
- Chromium is now Supported for Mac
Bug fixes:
- India and Sweden IDs have been moved to their correct category: SSNs.
Enforced Encryption
- The option to change the EasyLock language from the Server has been added. This feature is intended primarily when new deployments of EasyLock need to be localized and does not overwrite future settings changes made by the User, directly from their EasyLock.
Windows Client Version:
- Some Kernel Drivers have been updated and renamed. If you previously had the Endpoint Protector kernel drivers whitelisted in other application control solutions, please make sure you update your policies to reflect the change.
- Libraries have been updated, new compilers and multiple other improvements, making the Endpoint Protector Client run faster, smoother and more secure.
- The Endpoint Protector Client/Notifier language can now also be changed by the User, eliminating the need for the Admin’s intervention.
Mac Client Version:
- Support for the Deny Access but Allow Charging right has been added for iOS devices.
- The Endpoint Protector Client/Notifier language can now also be changed by the User, eliminating the need for the Admin’s intervention.
- Several improvements have been made to the Read Only Access, Allow Access if device is Trusted Level 1+ and Allow Access if TD1+, otherwise Read Only rights, making things more responsive.
- Support for Dark Mode has been added.
Linux Client Version:
- The Read Only right has been added for USB Storage Devices.
- The Modem device type is now available.
- The Endpoint Protector Client/Notifier language can now also be changed by the User, eliminating the need for the Admin’s intervention.
- The Clipboard can now be controlled as an exit point.
EasyLock Enforced Encryption Client:
- Several security improvements linked to the Password Hint and device Name validations, obfuscated license at initial configuration, etc.
- The language can now also be changed by the Administrator, simplifying deployments and improving the users’ experience.